18 Nov 2013

3 meses, 100 dias & uma mudança na minha vida

Oi gente,

Yeah, I’m still alive. I haven’t posted anything for a long time, but it has a serious reason:

I changed my host family.

To the majority it will be a little shock, because I’ve never told that I wanted to this. I don’t wanna talk about the reasons, just: sometimes it just not should be.
And for me it was the right decision.

I’m still living in Varginha, just in another part of the city now.
With my new host family I’m getting along really well and I enjoyed the first weeks here so much.
I have 3 host sisters now: one is older than me and she’s finishing school at the moment, a nearly 14-years old one and a little one with just 10 month.
My host parents have a car repair shop next to our house and I know a lot of the employers who’re working there too.
All my host uncles, aunts and their kids are living close to our house too, so I can see them often.

In my first week I made a spontaneous trip to São Paulo with my uncle, one of my host sisters (the 13 year old one) and my cousin to pick up his dad. He was in Ceará (state in the north of Brazil) for 3 weeks to visit his family there.
We went there in the evening and arrived at midnight. Before meeting my host uncle we had a midnight snack at Mc Donald’s. It was a cool trip and when we arrived in Varginha again in the morning I didn’t have to go to school :D

One of my first weekends here I spent “na Roça” because my family has a house there. With 3 floores it’s really big, but at the moment we can just use the first one.
We went their Friday evening after I came back from my tests and stayed there until Sunday evening.
The house is near a river and we made a little boat trip one it on Sunday.  I took some photos because the nature is really great. The exchange student from Thailand, my new family hosted last year, said it looks like Pantanal.
I enjoyed the time with my family there because every day some family members and friends arrived and stayed for some time.
And of course: the food was too good – like always *-*

School is getting more and more boring. I like some subjects like math, physics, English for example, but some other are really boring. I try to understand them but it’s so boring so I do other things in school. At the moment I mostly reading stories or writing some by myself.

Since my last entry the 3 month mark are already over. And another really important mark:

100 Dias!!! 100 DAYS!!! 100 TAGE!!!

I can’t believe it yet, but the time is really flying. There are “only” 200 days left and at the moment I can’t imagine going home so soon. But of course I’m missing my German family and friends too and I can’t wait to see them again in some month.

The last five day I stayed in Cabo Frio with my two host sisters and my uncle’s family. I’m going to write something about this holidays soon – I promise it ;)

Beijos do Brasil pra vcs,


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